Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Falling in love with Knowledge

"Whenever we feel tired in seeking knowledge, keep in mind that this might be one of our greatest deed that will be counted on the day of judgement.Just imagine He is watching us right now and He knows how tired we are,but because of His deen we keep on moving." KEEP MOVING FORWARD!

Jazakillah khayran katheera ukthi :)
These words really motivated me as I am currently in the above situation, the right words came at the right time.Subhanallah,Alhamdulillah,Allahuakbar.

Never ever give up,because our journey will soon end, that is the when our soul is separated from our body. Only then is the time we can rest, but as long as we are given the chance to live, lets fill our precious time with as many good deeds that will help us enter paradise inshaAllah.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Lets fullfill our role as khalifatullah

Peringatan buat diriku yang sering lupa

"Dua perkara yang mesti kamu ingat adalah kebaikan orang terhadap kamu dan kejahatan kamu terhadap orang lain, dan dua perkara yang mesti kamu lupakan adalah kejahatan orang terhadap kamu dan kebaikan kamu terhadap orang lain" -Sang Murobbi-

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How much do I know about Al-Quds?

During the opening ceremony of Al-Quds week, I was given the chance by Allah to increase my knowledge regarding the beloved land of Palestine. Though many muslims might have already heard about this, to me the Palestine issue is something that needs to be repeated over and over again, as we humans are forgetful beings. Here is what I managed to jot down from the talk delivered by Dr. Belghit.

The earliest people who stayed in Palestine were the Arab tribe from al-Jazeera al-Arabiyah.

Al-Quds also known as Jerusalem is a holy land in Palestine where masjidil aqsa is situated. Allah mentioned about Al-Quds in different ways in the Qur’an.
If we ponder upon the verses of Surah Al-Israa’, we will be able to see that in the first part of Surah Al-Israa’ (the first six or ten verses) Allah mentioned about the end of Bani Isra’il. In the next verses Allah tells us about the qualities of the generation that will be able to free palestine. If we want to free Al-Aqsa, we need to acquire those qualities.

In many verses in the Al-Qur’an, Al-Quds is mentioned as a blessed, sacred land. In the early ages of Islam, the Hajj (Pilgrimage) was considered incomplete unless the pilgrims visited masjidil aqsa.

Something that we as muslims should be aware of is how the jews agenda to confuse us between masjidil aqsa and the yellow dome (Dome of the rock). They want to instill in our minds that the dome of the rock is masjidil aqsa. This is the Zionist conspiracy to erase from the memory of muslims worldwide the true picture of masjid al-aqsa.

Another agenda of the Zionist is how they prepare our mentality, from Free Palestine to only free Gaza to eventually a smaller scope of “free your home” maybe.
Why Palestine? Because al-Quds is purely an Islamic problem. It is a problem of every muslim, and because it has three dimensions.

The first dimension is the ideological dimension. We cannot be a true muslim if we are not concerned about masjidil Aqsa. It is related with our aqidah (belief). As mentioned in Surah Al-Israa in the Holy Qur’an:

1.Allah took His slave, with his(prophet Muhammad) body and soul
2.From Masjidil Haram to Masjidil Aqsa. This shows how the leadership was removed from bani Israil (because they killed prophets,slandered the prophets,these are the habits of bani Israil-to know about the bani Israil, we should study the Qur’an) and given to prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Rasulullah was appointed to be the leader.
3.Masjid Al-Aqsa belongs to us. It is a symbol of Allah’s religion. It is our first Qiblah.

The second dimension is the historical dimension. When you study history, you will see that masjid Al-Aqsa is the second masjid built after masjid Al-Haram. Most of the prophets were born in Palestine or passed away in Palestine. Palestine is Al-’Ardhu Anbiyaa’ (Land of the prophets).

The third dimension is the realistic dimension. Everytime the muslim ummah is powerful, Al-Aqsa is in our hands. It is the KEY of our ummah. The solution to the renewal of Islamic civilization. Al-Aqsa is the beginning of the ummah. It is the thermometer for us to measure the situation of the ummah. To know whether the ummah is healthy or sick is to see whether masjid Al-Aqsa is in our hands or not.

Wallah’alam, Allah knows best. Let us pray that we will be able to pray in this sacred masjid one day inshaAllah.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Man Jadda wa Jada (Siapa berusaha dia akan dapat)


Alhamdulillah, segala puji hanyasanya untuk Allah s.w.t yang telah memberi peluang untuk saya meneruskan hidup bagi mengumpulkan bekalan untuk ke destinasi yang pasti, iaitu kampung akhirat. Alhamdulillah, segala puji bagi Allah Tuhan semesta Alam, yang telah mengizinkan saya merasai nikmat Iman dan Islam.

Sedikit perkongsian dari apa yang saya dapat daripada ceramah motivasi oleh Ustaz Hasrizal tempoh hari. Tajuk ceramah tersebut adalah "Dean's list or Deen's list". Saya sangat tertarik apabila di permulaan ceramah ustaz meminta izin dari audiens dengan berkata: "Allow me to speak in your thinking language",Astaghfirullah al azim,tersedar saya yang sebenarnya apabila mendengar perlunya kita hadirkan hati dan fikiran kita sepenuhnya agar betul-betul dapat menghayati dan memahami sesuatu yang didengari.

Antara isi penting yang sempat saya catat adalah perlunya ada dalam fikiran kita sebagai pelajar, bahawa kita ini sedang dalam jihad fisabilillah. Manusia hidup di atas muka bumi Allah ini seperti sebuah kitaran. Bagi kebanyakan orang,perjalanan hidupnya dari bersekolah kemudian memasuki institusi pengajian tinggi,bekerja, berumah tangga,mendapat anak, pencen, dan menjadi tua. Tetapi kemungkinan ada sahaja orang yang tak berpeluang bersekolah,masuk ipt,bekerja, berkahwin dan sebagainya. Maka perkara-perkara yang disebutkan di atas adalah sesuatu yang tidak pasti. Jadi apakah perkara yang pasti itu? Jawapannya hanyalah satu, Kematian.

"Wahai bakal-bakal jenazah sekalain" itulah panggilan yang ustaz tujukan kepada semua audiens yang hadir, sebab katanya kalau nak panggil wahai bakal dato' sekalian, atau bakal insineur sekalian, sememangnya tidak boleh kerana itu semua belum pasti. Maka yang pasti itu adalah semua manusia yang masih hidup ini adalah bakal2 jenazah. Oleh sebab kita pun tak dapat agak bila kita akan menemui kematian, perlulah kita hargai sebuah kehidupan.

Sebelum terpadamnya pelita (Boleh rujuk balik nasyid Hijaz 'Hidup ini bagai lampu dinding')marilah kita hargai sebuah kehidupan.

"Yang menciptakan mati dan hidup, untuk menguji kamu, siapa di antara kamu yang lebih baik amalannya. Dan Dia Maha Perkasa Maha Pengampun."
(Al-Mulk 67:2)

Sentiasalah kita cemburu untuk mendapatkan yang terbaik. Allah telah berikan yang terbaik untuk manusia,semestinya Allah mengharapkan kita buat yang terbaik.Inilah standard yang harus kita capai, iaitu standard Allah. Bukannya standard dunia semata-mata. Samalah seperti seorang yang ingin membina sebuah bangunan, dia telah mengupah kontraktor terbaik,menggaji tenaga buruh terbaik,menyediakan bahan mentah terbaik,dan sanggup mengeluarkan kos yang tinggi agar bangunannya dapat dibina dengan sempurna. Maka apakah expectation dia? Mestilah dia harapkan hasilnya adalah yang terbaik.

Cita-cita setiap muslim tentunya untuk memasuki syurga Allah. Tetapi perlulah kita ingat siapakah yang akan menjadi jiran-jiran kita di syurga? Rasulullah, para sahabat,Saidatina Aisyah, Saidatina Fatimah. Merekalah yang telah dijanjikan syurga oleh Allah. Dan kesemua mereka adalah orang-orang yang hebat. Jadi, sekiranya kita ingin menjadi penghuni syurga, hendaklah kita juga menjadi orang yang hebat.Dan juga,perlu kita ingat bahawa syurga hanya menerima keahlian orang-orang yang hebat!

Kejayaan itu bukan sebuah destinasi tetapi sebuah perjalanan. Orang-orang yang faham standard Allah, iaitu standard deen, maka dia akan sentiasa cemburu pada orang-orang yang hebat.

Ustaz juga telah berkongsi kisah tentang Muhammad Abduh. Isi penting dari kisah tersebut ialah 'Sabar adalah disiplin'. Bersabarlah dengan setiap dugaan, kerana hanya di syurga sahaja kita akan dapat semua yang kita suka. Disiplin adalah bersabar dengan apa yang kita tidak suka supaya akhirnya kita akan mendapat apa yang kita suka.Janganlah bertanding dengan orang lain, tetapi bertandinglah dengan diri sendiri.

Sindrom Hikikomori atau dalam bahasa melayunya, sindrom anak gajah. Inilah sebenarnya punca kelemahan diri yang merantai potensi seseorang. Fikirkanlah..

'You are what you believe- To do better and best is NOT AN OPTION' Standard kita bukan dean's list, tetapi standard kita adalah syurga. Apabila kita meletakkan standard Deen, Syurga, Allah dihadapan, insyaAllah kita akan sekaligus mendapatkan dean's list.

Ceramah diakhiri dengan serangkap pantun 'Sehingga berjumpa lagi,kalau tak di bumi tuhan mudah-mudahan di syurgaNya nanti' ~Berusahalah hingga ke syurga~

Peringatan buat diri yang selalu lupa, tuntutlah ilmu untuk mendapatkan ilmu bukan untuk mendapatkan segulung ijazah@master semata-mata.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Kalimah Syahadah

A short continuation from the previous post, after discussing about the second pillar of iman during the english for da'wah class, we then started going into the 5 pillars of Islam. Assume that all the 6 pillars of iman were already introduced to the non muslim you are trying to give da'wah to, then its time to slowly talk about the 5 pillars of iman. The first pillar which is Kalimah syahadah is the confession of a muslim by pledging "I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah".

From here we talk about what it means by believing in Allah. We trust Allah as He has created us, thus He knows what's best for us. Then we take them into Asma' Allah which is the 99 names of Allah. Take one name, As-Sami'(The Hearer of All).Allah listens and He responds, not like us, we can listen but not all the time do we respond. Allah can hear everything,whether we express it or not,He can hear what is in our thoughts,our heart,our mind, but we are very limited in listening. Allah LOVES to listen, He wants us to ask from Him, He never gets angry or fed up,unlike us, we sometimes get irritated when people ask too much,or we sometimes feel reluctant when people ask for our help.We as humans tend to listen only to people we like, but Allah listens indiscriminately,He listens to each and ever being,even to a person with sins as high as a mountain. The purpose of introducing them to the names of Allah is to let them recognize Allah more. Allah Ar-Rahman, Allah the most Bountiful, He gives Bounty to every person, whether a muslim or a Kafir. Allah Ar- Rahim, Allah is the Most Merciful to the believers,He gives calmness,peace, and serenity through his blessings.

Allah Al-Ghafur,Allah the all Forgiving. Always remember that no matter how big our sins are, Allah will forgive us if we repent (taubah). The taubah will be accepted if we do it immediately and have the determination not to repeat the sin again. Allah said in the Holy Qur'an :

"And those who invoke not any other Ilah (god) along with Allah (syirik), nor kill such life as Allah has forbidden, except for just cause, nor commit illegal sexual intercourse and whoever does this shall receive the punishment. The torment will be doubled to him on the Day of Resurrection, and he will abide therein in disgrace; except those who repent and believe (in Islamic Monotheism), and do righteous deeds, for those, Allah will change their sins into good deeds, and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. And whosoever repents and does righteous good deeds, and then verily, he repents towards Allah with true repentance." (Al-Furqan. 68-71)

We have to keep in mind that sometimes we do commit small syirik, for example, whilst watching the TV, and we hear the call for prayer, but we keep on watching the TV without responding immediately to Allah, that is we are putting something or someone equal to Him. Another example is riya' (showing off). We think that everything belongs to us. But do bear in mind that our intelligence, our wealth, our body, everything belongs to Allah. We are just borrowers, we have nothing and Allah can take them back anytime He wants. So always remember to istighfar (act of seeking forgiveness from Allah) buy saying "astaghfirullah" (I seek forgiveness from Allah).Always renew our intention(niat)to do everything for the sake of Allah. Even in doing actions as small as combing our hair, we have to remember that we do it because Allah likes us to be beautiful and neat. We take medicine as an effort to be healthy, but only Allah can cure.

One last thing to remind especially to this person that is writing, we are all mirrors of Islam,we reflect Islam in everything we do.So lets make sure that we are able to look our best in this mirror of life.

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