How much do I know about Al-Quds?
During the opening ceremony of Al-Quds week, I was given the chance by Allah to increase my knowledge regarding the beloved land of Palestine. Though many muslims might have already heard about this, to me the Palestine issue is something that needs to be repeated over and over again, as we humans are forgetful beings. Here is what I managed to jot down from the talk delivered by Dr. Belghit.
The earliest people who stayed in Palestine were the Arab tribe from al-Jazeera al-Arabiyah.
Al-Quds also known as Jerusalem is a holy land in Palestine where masjidil aqsa is situated. Allah mentioned about Al-Quds in different ways in the Qur’an.
If we ponder upon the verses of Surah Al-Israa’, we will be able to see that in the first part of Surah Al-Israa’ (the first six or ten verses) Allah mentioned about the end of Bani Isra’il. In the next verses Allah tells us about the qualities of the generation that will be able to free palestine. If we want to free Al-Aqsa, we need to acquire those qualities.
In many verses in the Al-Qur’an, Al-Quds is mentioned as a blessed, sacred land. In the early ages of Islam, the Hajj (Pilgrimage) was considered incomplete unless the pilgrims visited masjidil aqsa.
Something that we as muslims should be aware of is how the jews agenda to confuse us between masjidil aqsa and the yellow dome (Dome of the rock). They want to instill in our minds that the dome of the rock is masjidil aqsa. This is the Zionist conspiracy to erase from the memory of muslims worldwide the true picture of masjid al-aqsa.
Another agenda of the Zionist is how they prepare our mentality, from Free Palestine to only free Gaza to eventually a smaller scope of “free your home” maybe.
Why Palestine? Because al-Quds is purely an Islamic problem. It is a problem of every muslim, and because it has three dimensions.
The first dimension is the ideological dimension. We cannot be a true muslim if we are not concerned about masjidil Aqsa. It is related with our aqidah (belief). As mentioned in Surah Al-Israa in the Holy Qur’an:
1.Allah took His slave, with his(prophet Muhammad) body and soul
2.From Masjidil Haram to Masjidil Aqsa. This shows how the leadership was removed from bani Israil (because they killed prophets,slandered the prophets,these are the habits of bani Israil-to know about the bani Israil, we should study the Qur’an) and given to prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Rasulullah was appointed to be the leader.
3.Masjid Al-Aqsa belongs to us. It is a symbol of Allah’s religion. It is our first Qiblah.
The second dimension is the historical dimension. When you study history, you will see that masjid Al-Aqsa is the second masjid built after masjid Al-Haram. Most of the prophets were born in Palestine or passed away in Palestine. Palestine is Al-’Ardhu Anbiyaa’ (Land of the prophets).
The third dimension is the realistic dimension. Everytime the muslim ummah is powerful, Al-Aqsa is in our hands. It is the KEY of our ummah. The solution to the renewal of Islamic civilization. Al-Aqsa is the beginning of the ummah. It is the thermometer for us to measure the situation of the ummah. To know whether the ummah is healthy or sick is to see whether masjid Al-Aqsa is in our hands or not.
Wallah’alam, Allah knows best. Let us pray that we will be able to pray in this sacred masjid one day inshaAllah.
آمين يا رب العالمين!
khayr, one thing i missed the most about uia is dr belghit's talk! he's good in malay language rite?=) for 2 years i've been attending his lectures and ramadhan serial tazkirah at d mosque. jazakillah khyran for sharing all these info on palestine! very beneficial one!
Ina, can you believe that this is my first time listening to Dr Belghit's talk..and I totally love it =)
Great article!
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